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Eldorado CTE In the News

Eldorado High holds annual ‘Cupcake Wars’ competition

It was a very sweet day at Eldorado High School. It was the fifth annual “Cupcake Wars,” with students competing to see who had the best flavors.

It was pumpkin caramel versus cinnamon versus s’mores. While there was a lot of pressure on the culinary classes to create the cupcakes, a lot more went into it than just baking. There was a lot of learning, a lot of fun, and it is all for a good cause.

Unique program inspires Albuquerque high schoolers to become teachers

A unique program is inspiring Albuquerque high school students to become teachers, by giving them the opportunity to teach little ones themselves.

In a classroom on Eldorado High School's campus, a group of preschoolers is at the start of their education.

Flying Star Café Continues to Open Its Doors to APS Students

lying Star Café has partnered with the APS Education Foundation in numerous ways over the last three years by raising funds to alleviate student lunch debt, donating catering for student artists at A is for Art, recognizing teachers through Pepsi Teacher of the Month and by hosting student tours of their facilities.

Golden Apple: Miskee Blatner influencing next generation of educators

KRQE News 13 introduces another Golden Apple winner, an Eldorado High School teacher who is influencing the next generation of teachers.

"I think if you can be relatable, it helps. I'm willing to be silly. I'm willing to laugh with them," Miskee Blatner said.

Eldorado students get head start on careers in the kitchen

Students in the Pro-star/Food Services class at Eldorado High School are cooking up a storm. The students in the culinary arts program are learning all the ins and outs of the kitchen, and making pretty high class meals while they're at it.

Eagles Soar into Nationals for Educators Rising

Eldorado students John Leppala and Dan Ngo have qualified for the national Educators Rising Conference in Boston this summer.  The pair competed with students from across New Mexico in various competitions at the state conference held at New Mexico State University.  Leppala placed 1st in Impromptu Speaking and 3rd in Public Speaking, while Ngo placed 5th in Public Speaking.

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